We offer you a membership in Aurinkokehrä yarn club
A welcome package will be sent to your address when you join, then three more packages will be sent during the year. You will be the first to know about special editions of naturally dyed yarns and have a chance to work with them. Note that the pictures presented here are illustrations, but the package will be presented to you in forehand in an included newsletter.

Coming events
Open doors day at the workshop, Karjaa
Follow regular dates from Instagram and facebook
Avoimet ovet ja lankamyynti Karjaan värjäämöllä.
Öppet hus och garnförsäljning på verkstan i Karis.
Aurinkokehrä, Kroggårdintie 27
Forssa textile week
Kurs: Baskurs i naturlig färgning med växtextrakt, KKV Göteborg
14. – 16.3.2025
Fårfest i Kil, Sverige
27.2 – 1.3.2025

- Jaanan Lankapaja, Jurva, Finland
- Kässäpuoti, Hämeenkyrö, Finland
- Ilo yarns, Turku, Finland
- Laine des Iles, France
- Natur-Garn, Köln, Germany
- Cross and Woods, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- Mo , & More, The Netherlands
- Garnfryd, Denmark
- Severské Vlnení, Czech Republic
In addition, Aurinkokehrä is participating in several craft fairs, follow the announcement on Facebook!